希愈醫療(新風天域集團) 與香港中文大學醫院 簽訂合作備忘錄 藉協同雙方優勢 為全港以至大灣區市民提供更全面的服務 (Only available in Chinese)
13Jul 2022
希愈醫療(新風天域集團) 與香港中文大學醫院 簽訂合作備忘錄 藉協同雙方優勢 為全港以至大灣區市民提供更全面的服務 (Only available in Chinese)
Mr. Antony LEUNG, Co-founder and Group Chairman, New Frontier Group, Dr. FUNG Hong, Chief Executive Officer, CUHK Medical Centre
Mr. Antony LEUNG, Co-founder and Group Chairman, New Frontier Group, Dr. FUNG Hong, Chief Executive Officer, CUHK Medical Centre
Mr. Antony LEUNG, Co-founder and Group Chairman, New Frontier Group, Dr. FUNG Hong, Chief Executive Officer, CUHK Medical Centre
(From left) Mr. Ed TAM, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, HEAL Medical, Mr. Antony LEUNG, Co-founder and Group Chairman, New Frontier Group, Dr. FUNG Hong, Chief Executive Officer, CUHK Medical Centre, Dr. Jacqueline CHOI, Medical Director of Business Development, CUHK Medical Centre